There is only one thing better than friends visiting and that is friends who already have a plan – and a good idea at that – of what they want to do during their stay. Sylvie had produced a list of no less than 20 museums and galleries she wished to visit and Ace, Ace just wanted a beer. Try juggling that! Looking back I am confident that they both got what they wanted.
On Friday, before the arrival of Ace we did a tour of the best galleries Madrid has to offer. Sylvie is into contemporary art and I would like to point out that there is a significant difference between modern and contemporary art. Although I don’t know any technical terms the main discrepancy between the two is that modern art is nice to look at while contemporary art just frustrates you.
Frustration is of course also closely linked with Atlético Madrid. Actually Atléti was Ace’s primary reason for visiting. The crunch match was against our city rivals Real. Ace and I met with Eduardo to taste a bit of the atmosphere. Both of us were holding a home-made Empanada in our right hands. We met up just outside the stadium, the atmosphere was electrifying but whilst Edu had a prime spot inside the stadium we had to settle for front seats in Bar Obelisco. What we saw was injustice of the highest order. The referee stole a two goal lead and it eventually ended in frustration of a draw (1-1). The evening was however salvaged by a good night out and a mighty tasty chicken sandwich.
The highlight for all I guess was our Sunday stroll through El Parque del Buen Retiro. The park – which lies in the heart of Madrid – is the place to be on a Sunday. We were struck by nice weather and whilst Carmen and Sylvie rested a little of a fine bench Ace and I found the time to play with our new toy: a Frisbee-like plastic donut which – according to the instructions could be propelled for ‘up to half a kilometer’. Ace and I managed a good 20 meters before lobbing it into a medium-sized birch. After that the fun was all but over although Ace did manage to catapult the device out of our tree with a fair-sized stone.
So in the end, Sylvie enjoyed her art, Ace had his beer (or two) and Carmen and I enjoyed everything. Shame it was only a weekend.
Hi Thomas! I'm Roberto. I also was in Kungshamra. I don't know whether you'll remember me... I'm the guy who was sleeping on the floor of the cabin that you were sharing with Eduardo and Carlos when travelling to Tallin.
Eduardo told me about your blog. I have been reading it and I have enjoyed it quite a lot.So I have added it to my favourites and I'll add a link into my blog as well. Feel free to have a look if you wish.
It's in Spanish, but maybe it's useful for you to learn.
Well, keep on enjoying and writing about your life in Madrid.
hey! who won the tiles comp.? which was voted the best and which ones were done by whom?
our little meeting was great... I had contemporary art for the rest of year though. Had never known Sylvie much but I saw she's a lot of fun.
And what about Asaf?? Funny man, I'm sure he'll get someone soon... hehe. Straight sense of humour... like when he wanted me to sing him all kind of offensive atletico songs refering real madrid, specially if they were racist songs... although he couldn't sing them 'cause of the coulour of his skin... hehehehe... those were his words!! funny funny man.
hehehe... true asaf... As we say, thet may be the perfect answer to all kind of question: I hate Guti.
by the way... I just started my own blog... Actually I had it since one year ago but i had never really used it. You know, have no personality so i want what the others have: http://edsangar.blogspot.com
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