The demise of Truth, or the breaking of it’s perception for me all started – of course – with Hansie Cronje (click on the link, it makes interesting reading). The South African cricket captain was the benchmark of Sportsmanship in a sport which itself was the yardstick of fair play…and Truth for that matter. I remember the day when the news broke. I think The Times headed “Oh no, Hansie, oh no” referring to the disbelief that he had ‘sold’ cricket matches for years. The subsequent inquiries learned that the former hero had over seventy bank accounts scattered around the world, his winnings from a decade of deceit. The message to cricket fans was clear: many of the matches we had seen over the years had in fact been decided before the game started to earn as much as possible in the illegal Indian betting circus.
It took me quite some time to get over this. Actually I have never enjoyed watching a cricket match as much as I used to. When I was a kid I also like watching a children’s TV show called Blue Peter, a legendary BBC program educating children throughout the English speaking world. It now turns out that they have been cheating children (follow link for more info) into believing they can win prizes by entering contests! I am stunned. More than once has a ‘fake winner’ picked up a prize on Blue Peter. I honestly thought things couldn’t get any worse from here when it comes to public deceit.
I was wrong. After the Hansie Cronje affair I turned to the Tour de France as summer entertainment. For the past five years I have been following the Tour with a rather large amount of passion. Big mistake. Last year – obviously – was horrible, but I am a positive (albeit naïve) person so I believed this would be a drug-free edition. My team – the Rabobank team – has throughout the years remained spotless and allegation-free. So you can imagine my joy whilst Micheal Rasmussen was steaming towards Paris in the yellow jersey. I was riding some classic races and I loudly was supporting him on my couch. Rasmussen held the same immunity as Hansie Cronje for me. Danish people don’t cheat (well…), they just get on with things. Of course, Rasmussen lied about pretty much everything and another Thomas Reeve bubble burst. I had once again been fooled, two weeks of watching the TV down the drain accompanied by a life time of innocence.
I will never ever believe anything I see on the television again. I an era where entire wars are based on public manipulation and spin I have given up. Really, what is next? Will apples turn out to be just very well disguised bananas? Will dolphins indeed take over the world after pretending to be very cute? Will it be discovered that Belgium in reality is not a country? Is Chuck Norris – in fact – a woman?
I have decided to turn things around and begin trusting the biggest lies of them all: children’s books. Everybody – except children – knows that it is impossible for Charlie to fly into space in an elevator. Neither can it be true that someone sleeps 100 years without being pronounced dead. Therefore I am reading the great book ‘El pequeño vampire se cambia de casa’ (The little vampire is moving house). It is impossible to be cheated in a world where a little boy named Anton becomes great friends with Rudiger – a nine year old vampire who died over 150 years ago. This is my new Truth, I will start from here.
The culprit of it all, Thomas, I think is money. If only the sport was all about honour and nothing else... Same with the war in Iraq. Power and money. We.. we do well by just living our own little lives, as well as we can. Look at soccer it's disgusting, the amount of money, it has nothing to do with reality, which is 22 men running around with a ball. It boggles the mind. Entertainig though...
One of your better works. I enjoyed it. As did I enjoy the little vampire. I would like to read the book again in spanish one time.
Speaking about chuck norris. He is definitely not a woman. Here are some facts about Chuck you really can believe:
When Chuck Norris has sex with a man, it won't be because he is gay. It will be because he has run out of women.
There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.
Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.
There are no races, only countries of people Chuck Norris has beaten to different shades of black and blue.
James Cameron wanted Chuck Norris to play the Terminator. However, upon reflection, he realized that would have turned his movie into a documentary, so he went with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I'd go even farther on, my good Asaf: Chuck Norris did, in fact, build Rome in a day.
Great sentence the one of the dolphins Thomas.
When Texas Ranger first aired in Europe, France singed a peace treaty with chuck norris just to be on the safe side!
and life is like a box of chocolates: You never know when chuck norris is going to kill you.
so when you wanna rent a flat here in Spain you just bribe the owner to 'erase' the competitors, no? How sad Thomas, you're making people to have a wrong idea of how we are...
As a Spanish I can complain as much as I want of my own homeland, say that Africa starts in the Pyrenees or affirm this is a Third World Country. But never forget you're our guest.
:-P :-P :-P :-P :-P
Just kidding man, I haven't slept at all tonight trying to study 'cause I'm leaving in a little while to do my last exam. Bored and nervous...
And what's up with this blog?? Is it dead?? Come on!! We're waiting for your writings!!
Big hug.
PD: I've seen a horrible Dutch film from the 80's: Flodder... No comments. Start criticizing your films and then we'll see what we allow you to say about us. ;-)
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