Friday, November 24, 2006
Los Cenizas (The Ashes)
Anyway, another week has past and fridays are always special days here at the office: its China day (el dia Chino). Every friday we make a small walk to the local Chinese restaurant and take the €5.85 menu (three dishes, a drink and a coffee!!). For starters I always go for the 'rollo primavera' (one of my favorite Spanish literal translations...closely followed by 'hora feliz'). The rest of the menu I leave open for change
I am now off to start my weekend, lets hope England improves down under! Hooray!!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Ire visit
After her exams on friday and saterday morning it was holiday time for Irene and I benefitted with her. Visits mean city walks and other cool tourist stuff. During our walks through Madrid (which included: The Rastro market, Retiro Park and all the important 'barrio's' (neighborhoods)) I am proving to be quite the photographer of city life! Here are a couple of examples and I will be posting more! Keep your eyes open..
On Sunday evening we went to the very cool 'Viva Madrid' described by the Times as 'one of the best bars in the world'. This is certainly true as it is well decorated with ceramics. It is like having a drink in a museum. We recommend it highly!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Photos of Freds visit

This weekend us gatos (cats...Madrid slang for a real Madridlian) experienced the visit of Fred. The Erasmus crowd will recognize our French friend from the photos (below, girl on the far right!!). Normally Fred is doing an internship in Barcelona but after this weekend she discovered that Madrid is the real thing.

Friday, November 17, 2006
Operation IKEA
I used my newly obtained power to show Just Landed what I was capable of. Tammo, my German mate, was also relieved with this task. He remarked that it was the first time that he actually had to use his brain during his internship! All tongue in cheek of course although it was rather amusing seeing him sweat over a couple of screws!!
Mi hermano
Hey Thoom, you know your writing style is like this: 'The small one likes me I think. Communications are slow, but after sharing coffee with my new Indian friends I feel increasingly like a native. Still no signs of reinforcements'
Of course my brother is referring to one of the great movies of all time 'Dances With Wolves' (Bailas con lobos) where Kevin Costner (Ltn. John Dunbar) often narrates sections from his diary describing his life on the prairie. During his lonely time at an outpost somewhere in the Wild West he slowly but surely integrates with the local Indian population. My brother – to my greatest of pleasure – often relives moments from this great movie by pretending he is Ltn. John Dunbar.
As a social scientist I love all social and cultural interactions. Here in Madrid I have noticed a few things. Chinese people try to sell everything to you especially at night. Anything from beers to umbrella’s to snacks to funny strange rocks that make noise when you through them up in the air. And the amazing thing: you end up buying them! Then there are the African immigrants who also want to sell everything in the street. This gang however concentrates on the selling of illegal DVD’s and CD’s. They have an inventive system. All the CD’s are laid out on a sheet. The sheet is connected to four ropes connected to each corner. When a policeman comes to close a process of communication starts which end with the seller pulling the ropes and running away. And the amazing thing: you end up buying the CD’s!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Various photos
Monday, November 13, 2006
Fin de Semana (Weekend)
Going out with Carmen's classmates
On Saturday we met up with Edu, Carlos and Lourdes (and her boyfriend Fernando). They came to the Pyramid and Herman was also present with his girlfriend (May..she was visiting from Malaga) so in the end we were with 8. It was very nice to see Lourdes again. We hadn’t seen her for two years or so and really fantastic to meet up. We promised to get together more often. At 01.00 we left for a club close by. The Vendetta was also packed to the bone but enjoyed anyway. Edu and I spent most of the night pretending to be English exchange students (with a heavy David Beckham accent) with some success. Fernando, Carmen, Me, Edu, Carlos and Lourdes
The Pharon de Pyramides, El Presidente de Erasmus, El Rey Carlos Trecero
My new daily rhythm
My Spanish classes have started in earnest now. Every morning between 10.30-12.30 I have two hours of intensive classes. The classes are OK although we are with a lot of students which means we don’t have a lot of actual speaking time. I have the feeling that I am a bit the granddad (abuelo) of the class. My classmates are (bar a few) all aupairs working in Madrid for posh Spanish family. Although their stories of these problem children are amusing I am already a bit bored of the exchanging of cooking tips and various techniques to lock a child in the kitchen cupboard. This Friday (the 10th) I had an exam and the teacher complimented me on my use of vocabulary!! How great, this week we move up a level.
After my classes I go to work at 13.00 until about 19.30. My work still consists of translating, writing and updating a Wiki database on embassies and consulates. This week I finished Canada and I will now translate Belgium. I think I will soon get some new projects and work to do. My workmates are nice and I mainly enjoy my lunches with a German (Tammo) and a Ecuadorian (Sebastian). They are also interns and on Wednesday we went to Tammo’s place for some drinks. Our Dutch boss also joined us and we stayed until 06.00. I was broken, took the first metro home and fell asleep in the metro. When I woke up I noticed that I had taken the wrong direction and was about 16 stops away from home! Mierda. Luckily I didn’t have to work the next day as we had a free day in Madrid (we have already had three in as much weeks!!) for no apparent reason.
Trip to Galicia - Cantas Vacas Tes
On arriving in Santiago we took the bus south to Pontevedra. Although I was fighting with my sleepy eyes we could see all the damage that has been done to Galicia by a combination of pyromaniacs and heavy rain. Black trees washed away from the mountain lining the streets. It is sad to see such a beautiful area affected by the stupidity of man. Pontevedra looked more or less the same as my previous visits. Pontevedra is a nice medium sized town and is the home town of Carmen’s family. We met with Carmen’s dad (Manuel) on the central square, close to where he works and later with Carmen’s mum (Obdulia) who was having coffee with her workmates (she is a high school teacher of natural science and physics). There was a an ‘end of the week’ feeling for everybody. When the parents finished their works we had lunch and prepared for ‘the big move’.
Carmen’s family has a great beach house which is used nearly every weekend in the summer and increasingly in the winter. Luckily the weather had turned and we had great sunshine. On the way to La Lanzada we stopped in the village (a pueblo) of Meis. This is where Manuel’s family originates from. It is a typical village and gives you a good idea of how life would have been in Galicia a century ago. We dropped in for tea and had nice (Spanish) talks with Carmen’s grandmother (Carmen) and her aunt (Carmen…the female line of Carmen’s family at least doesn’t spring any surprises!!) I had brought some Dutch cookies as present and they were well received. After leaving Meis we arrived in the beach house were we relaxed for the evening.
On Saturday we woke up, had a nice breakfast on the terrace overlooking the beach, see and sunshine. We went to the port village of Sanxenxo and when we returned Alberto, the boyfriend of Irene (Carmen’s sister) had arrived for lunch and we had some delicious fish (to be followed by meat, potatoes and lentils…we were well taken care of, as always). Saturday night was the big night. There was a birthday party of two of Carmen’s friends in a penthouse flat on the centre square of Pontevedra, it was simply amazing. The party was going well with nice music, nice people (I knew quite a lot of them as I had met the friends on my previous vistis..the nice thing was that I could now really communicate and get to know them) and great food/drinks. Then, all of a sudden, someone decided to show their wedding video on a big screen and sadly the party tied the knot just like the couple on the TV screen. But we had a great time anyway. I impressed with my knowledge of the Galician language. I can now ask the question ‘Cantas vaca tes?’ which means as much as ‘How many cows do you have?’.
The following day we had some more relaxing to do, we went to the beach, had some drinks watching Celta de Vigo play Real Madrid (Celta won 2-1!!) in a trendy bar. After the match we sadly had to say goodbye to the family and head home to Madrid by bus. It was a night bus and took about 7 hours. On our return I had to go straight to Spanish class and work. But it was all worth it..what a great trip!